Sheepfold Ministry
Other Ministries in this cluster:
Sunday School Ministry
Noon Day Prayer Ministry
Sheepfold Ministry
Vacation Bible School Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Nursery Ministry
Teen Ministry
Young Adults Ministry
Couples Ministry
Titus Women Ministry
Gideon Guys Ministry
Performing Arts Ministry
PALM Ministry
Scholarship Ministry
Summer Camp Program Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Would you like to be a part of a church group with a small family atmosphere and great fellowship? Then the Sheepfold Ministry is for you!
Sheepfolds are small home groups that meet monthly and are designed to enhance the lives of individuals and families; enhance ones walk with the Lord; provide mutual support and encouragement to its members; and strengthen the bonds of faith within the groups.
This ministry is composed of small home groups, called Sheepfolds, that are designed to enhance our walk with the Lord, provide mutual support and encouragement to its members, and strengthen the bonds with one another in our common faith. Sheepfolds respond to God’s commandment to love, support, edify, give, and serve one another for the mutual strengthening of the body of Christ, our church. (Acts 2:42-47; Ephesians 4; and 1 Corinthians 12).
Our Sheepfolds meet once a month, usually every 3rd Sunday. Some groups rotate the home meeting place, while others meet at the same member’s home each month. Most groups have light refreshments or a pot luck lunch each month. Each month we have prayer, devotions, and Bible-based study. In our gatherings, we are “like-minded, having the same love and being one in soul and mind” (Philippians 2:2). Each Sheepfold has its own personality and we all enjoy each other!
(NOTE: Other churches may have different names for these home study groups , such as “cells,” “life groups,” “community groups,” or “districts.”)
Join a Sheepfold if you would like to:
- Foster stronger relationships of love & support beyond the church walls
- Enjoy a safe, supportive environment for small group study and personal dialogue
- Rejoice with members and their families
- Offer friendships and give support in times of crisis
- Pray for and with each other
- Use your spiritual gifts to support, inform, and encourage others
- Promote and spread the Christian lifestyle
Do you want to join an existing Sheepfold? Would you like to start a new Sheepfold group? Please complete and submit the information below.
Click this link to contact the leader of this ministry, Linda Hubbard Curtis. Let’s grow in the Lord together!