General Announcements
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BUSINESSES!! Click here to see the listing of WRBC members who are advertising their business, product, or service.
Our Church Nursery is now OPEN Sunday mornings for children eight months through 4 years of age! Bring your children this week. Our Children’s Ministry needs you! Click here to learn how you can be a part of this important ministry team at White Rock. – Dr. Irene Perry
Volunteers Needed: There is always a need for volunteers! Click here to visit the announcements page and select the category “Volunteers Needed” on a regular basis.
Meeting Cancelled? Please notify the Church Office staff if you have scheduled an evening or a Saturday meeting and the meeting is later cancelled.
We have engaged sheriff deputies for security beginning at 5:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. There is no evening security on Thursdays, so we ask you not to schedule Thursday evening meetings. Mr. Owen Hamlett provides security on Fridays and Saturdays.
If, for instance, yours is the only meeting scheduled and it is cancelled, we need to cancel security or pay the minimum fee. Please be reminded that all evening meetings must end by 8:30 so that security can complete the walk-through and lock up by 9:00. Thank you for your cooperation; please contact me if you have any questions. Derek Hunter, Trustee Ministry Chair
Child Development Center: White Rock Child Development Center, a five-star quality childcare program, is now accepting applications for children ages 3 and 4. Interested persons should contact the center by calling 919-683-1649 for more information or to schedule an appointment to tour the facility. The future of your child begins at White Rock CDC! Jennifer Lacewell, CDC Director
Effective immediately, worshippers entering the church after 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings must enter through the front entrance. The door at the rear of the building will be locked for admittance at at that time. Derek Hunter, Trustee Ministry Chair
Please park only in designated parking spaces. Parking in areas that are not designated for parking – including the fire lanes in front of the church and along both entrances to the rear parking lot – is a fire hazard and also creates a hazard for other drivers and pedestrians entering the church. Please help us to keep our members, guests and other visitors safe from preventable hazards. Derek Hunter, Trustee Ministry