Tithes, Donations & Gifts
Help White Rock Baptist Church Meet its fundraising objectives by supporting the church, its ministries and our mission.

How do I give using Givelify?

- Click here to view a video of Givelify using the mobile app.
- Click here for a instructions on how to create an account and make your first donation.
- Click here for information on how to set up a recurring donation.
How do I donate or gift using Paypal?
If you have a PayPal account, give using the methods you have setup (debit or credit card, PayPal balance, or bank account). If you do not have an account, you can still use PayPal to pay with your debit or credit card. You can give a one-time gift or create an online account where you can set up weekly or monthly recurring gifts. It’s simple, safe, and secure.
- Begin by entering the amount of your donation in the space below.
- IMPORTANT: In the “memo” space, include your WRBC member number (if you are a member of White Rock) and indicate how the funds should be applied (for example, tithes, offering, ticket/event payment, Glory to God Capital Campaign, etc.).
- As you enter information, additional fields will be presented.
- If you want to be able to track your giving history and manage recurring gifts online, please select the option to “create a new account” or “login to my account” if you created one previously.
- After entering all required information, you will be taken to PayPal, where you can select the payment method to be used.
Questions? Click this link to contact the webmaster.
How do I make re-occurring donations or contributions
You can contribute or donate at any time by simply filling out the donation tabs on this page. WRBC accepts all forms of payment (electronic, PayPal, Credit / Debit Card, Venmo and offline).
How do I become a church sponsor?
WRBC has been growing each year. There are always sponsorship opportunities presenting themselves! Just reach out to us for more details and what we can do for you.
What other campaigns or initiatives does White Rock Baptist Church support?
After much prayer, study, deliberation, site visits, input from members of the congregation, and consultation with our architects, the Church has approved a design that is the most cost-efficient option but still meets our desired expansion goals. To meet those goals, we have created the “Glory to God! Capital Campaign”. Click this link to learn more detail about the draft plan.
How do I volunteer?
The best way to learn about White Rock Baptist Church, its mission and its congregation is to volunteer. Send a message to us letting us know what your interest is and our staff will follow up with you as soon as possible.
In addition to placing your gift in the offering basket on Sunday morning, there are several other ways to give to White Rock Baptist Church:
- Online Bill Pay: Many people give electronically using online bill payment that you set up through your bank or credit union. You may find this to be the simplest option.
- Online using Givelify: Donations can be made on this website or using your Android, iPhone, or iPad mobile device using a debit or credit card. Givelify supports recurring gifts, which you can set up to be processed daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, or twice a month (1st and 16th of each month). It’s simple, safe, and secure. View the FAQ section of this page to learn more about how to submit your offerings through Givelify, either on this website or using an app on your smartphone.
- By mail: Submit tithes, offerings, or donations by mail to 3400 Fayetteville Street, Durham, NC 27707. If you are a member of White Rock, be sure to include your member number, to ensure a record of your giving.
- We will come to you!! If you need or would prefer a Trustee to come to your home to pick up your tithes and offerings, just let us know. Call the Church Office during regular business hours or leave a message after hours.