PALM Ministry
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Sunday School Ministry
Noon Day Prayer Ministry
Sheepfold Ministry
Vacation Bible School Ministry
Children’s Ministry
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Teen Ministry
Young Adults Ministry
Couples Ministry
Titus Women Ministry
Gideon Guys Ministry
Performing Arts Ministry
PALM Ministry
Scholarship Ministry
Summer Camp Program Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Mrs. Letitia Spencer is the Ministry Leader, and Mrs. Sherrie BridgerGood news!! We are preparing to resume our PALM (Praise and Adoration through Liturgical Movement) Ministry! Liturgical movement expresses worship through the art of dance, which is intended to enhance the prayer or worship experience.
Mrs. Letitia Spencer is the Ministry Leader, and Mrs. Sherrie Bridgers will lead and train our new PALM Dance Team. Mrs. Bridgers is an amazing and passionate liturgical dancer who has the heart to dance for the Lord and inspires others to worship God through the use of the arts. She not only teaches others to worship God through the art of dance but understands how to prepare an atmosphere of worship to the glory of God.
We invite our children and teens (both female and male) the opportunity to discover and develop a relationship with God and to praise Him through spiritual movement. No experience is required. What is more, the PALM Ministry is open to children and teens that you recommend who are not members of White Rock.
Mrs. Bridgers asks only that each dancer come with an open heart to glorify and honor God. The first rehearsal will be held at 10am, on Saturday, June 24, 2023, in the Fellowship Hall lasting for approximately 60 to 90 minutes. Please email our PALM Ministry Leader, Mrs. Letitia Spencer, to let her know of your interest. Mrs. Bridgers will lead and train our new PALM Dance Team. She is an amazing and passionate liturgical dancer who has the heart to dance for the Lord and inspires others to worship God through the use of the arts. She not only teaches others to worship God through the art of dance but understands how to prepare an atmosphere of worship to the glory of God.