II. How to edit content

Divi Theme Builder | How Divi Works.
This video explains:

  • How to build and edit Content blocks
  • How pages are laid out

How to build or edit the global headers and footers using theme builder.

These videos explain:

  • How to build or edit your site’s global header
  • How to build or edit your site’s global footer

WordPress Media Library: How o upload images, attachments and various other files to your WordPress site:


  • Media: How to handle images, files and other site content

How to Create Forms: a Simple Contact Form in WordPress with WPForms | Quick & Easy Guide!

This video explains:

  • Forms and Contact: How mail is routed by the website in various ways based on your schedule.

Events Calendar: How it works, ways to deploy and features.

These videos explain:

  • How to Create Events and Tickets
  • Creating a Recurring Event 
  • Important Event Settings: