F.R.I.E.N.D. Component of MOA
Other Ministries in this cluster:
Ministry of Deacons & Deaconesses
Ministry of Assimilation
Stephen Ministry
Nominating Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Wedding Ministry
The purpose of the Ministry of Assimilation (MOA) is to help new disciples gain a sense of belonging in the White Rock Baptist Church family. The principal function of this ministry is to welcome new members and help them get informed about the White Rock Baptist Church and connect to this Body of Christ.
Greeting from the Pastor:
Grace and Peace to You! Your decision to follow Christ Jesus as a loyal disciple is the best choice you have made in life. God has now saved you for eternity.
You have also chosen a wonderful church family in which to grow in the Christian faith and have fellowship with other believers. White Rock Baptist Church is a dynamic congregation built upon the solid foundation of the Christian Scriptures, led by the Holy Spirit, and determined to serve the Lord.
Your successful walk with Christ as a disciple will be determined by you! How? Be an active worshiper, a growing student of the Scriptures, a willing participant in our many church ministries. Be more than just another name on the members’ list! We will also minister to you and help you. We truly hope your soul will be blessed! We welcome you, love you, and are glad to have you!
– Pastor Stephens
Welcome from the Ministry of Assimilation:
You have made an important first step in your fresh start with God. As a disciple of Jesus Christ at WRBC, you will first need to complete the New Disciple Orientation classes. After completing the classes, you receive the Right Hand of Fellowship, a church tradition which indicates full recognition of YOU as a member by representatives of the Church (Galatians 2:9).
We encourage you to stay connected to the body of Christ by developing a personal devotional life and regularly attending worship, Bible study and prayer gatherings. Another key element to connecting with your new church family is participation in at least one other ministry. The Ministry of Assimilation will be here to help you along the way. Welcome to our church family!
F.R.I.E.N.D. (Faithful Resource who Informs and Encourages New Disciples) is a key component of the Ministry of Assimilation because it serves as a point of contact between new disciples and the resources at White Rock Baptist Church. FRIEND consists of church members who volunteer to serve as a source of information and encouragement for new disciples as they assimilate into the White Rock family. A FRIEND is paired with/assigned to the new disciple based on gender, age range, life stage (parent, married, single, retired), and interests.
Many blessings,
Shirl Davis
Leader, Ministry of Assimilation
Check out the History of White Rock Baptist Church
New disciples, as well as seasoned disciples, click this link to contact us for more information or if you would like to participate in the ministry.
The MoA hosts fellowships that help new disciples find ways to become involved in the ministries of WRBC. See information about each ministry on this website or email MoA for more information. The list of ministries and ministry contacts is below.